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Objective No-limit !

NEWEN® EPOC-VISION™ :  3+1 Axis Single Point CNC Valve Seat & Guide Machine.


                          - Max X-Axis Travel                                            1320mm (51.97”)

                          - Max Y-Axis Travel                                            80mm (3.15”)

                          - Max Z-Axis Travel                                            327mm (12.87”)

                 CYLINDER HEAD DIMENSIONS      

                          - Maximum height (w/o removing pilot)      810mm (31.89”)

                          - Maximum length                                              unlimited

                          - Maximum width                                               unlimited



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EPOC-VISION™ (Worldwide Patented • A NEWEN® Exclusive!)
EPOC-VISION™ The Most Universal Machine Ever Built Machine seats ranging in diameter from 13.5mm (.52’’) to over 240mm (9.45’’), from the smallest multi-valve motorcyle cylinder heads to the largest cylinder heads weighing up to 3 tons or more.
• machine stellite valve seats at high speeds with CBN inserts for unparalleled geometry
- not permited by any other system.
• adjust actual valve seat angles a
t will, every one hundredth of degree.
• incomparable precision, flexibility and u
ser friendliness.
• attain PERFECT SEAL between the valve seat and its valve, the first time, WITHOUT LAPPING.
• guaranteed concentricity owing to NEWEN’s Patented centering system.
• guaranteed circularity, within 3 microns per 100mm increment, even on valve seats as large as 200mm in diameter.
• unparalleled speed of execution : 1 to 3 minutes to machine a 170mm valve seat.
• constant speed guarantees perfection each and every time, particularly critical on large diameter valve seats - not permited by any other system.

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NEWEN® EPOC-VISION™ : 2-Axis Single Point CNC Valve Seat & Guide Machine.



X-Axis, machine head travel,

longitudinal head travel (distance from guide                                   1320mm (51.97”)1240mm (48.82”)

to guide - X)

Y-Axis, machine head travel                                                                 80mm (3.15”)

Y’-Axis, machine parallels travel,                                                         340mm (13.39”)

mounted on linear ways

Z-Axis, machine head travel (vertical travel),                                       327mm (12.87”)

mounted on linear ways

Z’-Axis, spindle sheath travel (for                                                         95mm (3.74”)

machining purposes only)

X-Axis, carriage travel, automatic carriage                                         

displacement radius 22 mm in diameter                                             11mm (0.43”)

(ex : if tool set with a diameter of 20 mm, max machining dia

without repositoning p holder 42mm) 

Machining capacity                                                                                13.5mm - 240mm (0.53” - 9.45”)

Valve guide reaming capacity                                                               90mm (3.54”)

Possible Profiles                                                                                     unlimited

Material to be machined                                                                       Any material, from aluminum to tempered steels

Spindle rotation speed                                                                          10-3500 Rpm

Spindle motor                                                                                        5 HP

Spindle, Feed and Carriage motors                                                    Servo Motors

Hydraulic unit                                                                                         200 Bars (2,900psi)

PC                                                                                                           15 ‘‘Industrial type with touch screen

Connections                                                                                          RS232 – Ethernet Centronics – USB

Operating System                                                                                 Windows 10

Electronic suspended cabinet with interchangeable fi lter

Built-in low-voltage multipoint lighting (LEDs)

Electronic depth gauge LVDT

Numerical control                                                                                 NEWEN®

Software                                                                                                 NEWEN®


Maximum height (w/o removing pilot)                                                810mm (31.89”)

Maximum length                                                                                   unlimited

Maximum width                                                                                     unlimited


Maximum machine height                                                                    2300mm (90.55”)

Maximum machine width                                                                     2500mm (98.43”)

Maximum machine depth                                                                    2215mm (87.21”)

Machine net weight                                                                              1750 Kg

Machine gross weight                                                                           2050 Kg

Voltage                                                                                                   220V Single Phase,

50-60 Hz

Air Pressure Mini 6 bars, 90 Psi


Height 2300mm

Depth 2500mm

Length 1800mm


New possibilities

Machining the most difficult cylinder heads is achieved within mere minutes per valve seat for the longest profiles, specially made to enhance the output of the engine. The machining of a traditional “3-Angle” profile will be carried out within a few seconds.

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Motorcycle cylinder heads, the smallest valve seats around and to come (downsizing, at the heart of all the new engine development programs) can be machined with utmost ease and the optimum precision of competion engines...

NEWEN® machines allow each engine rebuilder to position himself as a specialist in the machining of all engine types. The precision that is achieved systematically when using FIXED-TURNING® machines applies to all the engine types, one no longer has to refuse getting involved in such or such machining on such or such cylinder head type, all the difficult machining operations become a source of additional and significant profits.


The high performance market, the mechanical leisure market, are within the reach of any engine rebuilder equipped with a FIXED-TURNING® machine.

All the precisions required in Formula 1 or any other demanding high performance mechanical sports can be attained automatically and systematically. Perfection is guaranteed.

High-Performance is a growing and lucrative market. The prestige of the high-level professional who gets involved in this specialty shines on his/her entire company.

The COGENERATION, also known as “Combined Heat and Power (CHP)”, the transformation of engines to natural gas and bio-fuels (ethanol) requires rapid and precise machining operations of valve seat counter-bores and very hard valve seats.

The principles of cogeneration have long been known and put to use in a wide variety of applications. Today, advances in ultra-clean natural gas fi red reciprocating engine technology, heat exchangers and system controls, make cogeneration both practical and economical for applications in varying size range.

One aspect of power production that has influenced these advances is the ever increasing need for cleaner energy. Emissions control strategies that allow natural gas fueled internal combustion engines to be applied for CHP & ICHM applications at levels equal to or less than current large power plant standards, have further made Cogeneration more practical, economic and accessible for a broader range of commerical and industrial applications.

FIXED-TURNING® is the ideal tool for these services which become easy, fast, precise and very profitable.

FIXED-TURNING® and its numerical control,

it is the possibility to achieve the impossible in a profitable

and repetitive fashiong.  A technology for all.

Opt for FIXED-TURNING® Perfection,

a technology for all and gain access to endless business opportunities...
Your assurance of success!

To machine all the cam-bucket bore housings to oversize dimension in order to insert oversized sleeves in the housings is a simpe operation, precise and profitable with FIXED-TURNING®.

Create any profile at will...

Machining of venturis (up to 112 degrees) to accelerate the speed of gases.

Venturi: An open angle below the seat that allows to accelerate the speed of exhaust gases through decompression.

Machine all high precision valve seat counterbores with one same cutting tool.  To prepare valve seat housings in all types of cylinder heads, cast iron or aluminum, a precise and profitable job for all the FIXED-TURNING® professionals.


KOMATSU Natural Gas Cylinder Head
Valve Seat Hardness: 56/58HRC
(573HB+ / 610HV50+)
- Insert used: FT-11-11
- Cutting Speed: 180 m/min
- Machining Mode: Dry Cut
- Cutting Cycle: 28 sec/seat
- Circularity : 1μ to 2.40μ
- Surface Finish: 0.20Ra

Another NEWEN exclusive: the machining of Spark Plug Housing.

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Machine with precision all types of valve guides (cast irons, powdered metals, bronze, any alloys...).  Ream valve guides with utmost precision in a stand alone operation or in a combined valve seat machining operation.

To machine the seats of Mercedes Actros decompressor valves, “it’s child’s play”.

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Automatic Repetive Depth Control (ARDC)


All NEWEN FIXED-TURNING® machines, including the CONTOUR-BB™, CONTOUR-BB-CS™, CONTOUR™, CONTOUR-CS™, EPOC-VISION™, are equipped with an electronic system to repeat the depth of cut with preci-sion. This system, developed by NEWEN, is not a measuring system per se but has been conceived to allow to repeat a machining position with precision, while taking a random reference on the cylinder head to  machine. Generally, the reference for the NEWEN system is the cylinder head gasket plan, which is also used as a reference to measure valve seat depth. It is also possible, using a specific tooling, to use other surfaces, such as camshaft housings.


An electronic linear gauge, LVDT, (I) is connected to the numerical control of the machine. Depending upon the collapsed epth of the tip of the LVDT, the gauge sends an electric signal which allows to identify, with less than one hundredth of a mm, the position of the gauge.

This position can be memorized. Once the position memorized, the spindle feed motor is automatically stopped when the gauge is once again compressed the same amount. As a result, the equipment can machine all the valve seats at the same depth with respect to a chosen reference point.

• The gauge (I) has a fi xed position with respect to the axis of the pilot and with respect to the spindle sheath to which it is attached. This fi xed position remains when the spindle moves on its air cushion (C) and/or on its spherical air cushion (A).

• Drawing 3: All the seats are machined according to the same reference point (W), belonging to the reference plan and distant of a fixed measure (X), which is the same as the measure (X) in Drawing 1.

• The dimension (Z) on Drawing 2, is the amount of the gauge that is compressed and corresponds to a machining distant of the value (Y) on
Drawing 2 in comparison to the point of reference. This value (Y) can be modifi ed of a given and precise value using the controlled means of the numerical control (elevator, selection of repair dimensions...) which will modify the position of the tip of the gauge, and this latter will once more be memorized to be repeated as many times as desired.

• The collapsed amount (Z) of the gauge is not identical to the travel value of the spindle essentially because of the existing angle between the machine spindle and the gauge. Also, the LVDT is not a measuring instrument but a position indicator.


The NEWEN system for Automatic Repetitive Depth Control™, guarantees identical depth machining with variations not exceeding +/- one hundredth of a mm.


It is the only system available in the industry to guaranty an automatic machining of such precision, no matter the position of the cylinder head with respect to the cylinder head holding fi xture, with respect to the angle of the valve guides and with respect to the travel of the head of the machine.

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